DOS Zone
Catalog of DOS Games
A - z
Take Down
Taking Care of Business
Tamoret: The Adventure to the Fourth Dimension
Tangled Tales
Task Force 1942
Taxi Run
TDM's Tractor Pull Nationals
Techno Cop
Teen Agent
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Teenage Queen
TEGL Klondike Solitaire
TEGL Monopoly
Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at F.J.B. II
Terminal Terror
Terminal Velocity
Terra Probe
Test Drive
Tetris (1986)
Tetris Classic
Th!nk Cross
The $100,000 Pyramid
The 15 Puzzle
The A-Team
The Adventure
The Adventures of Captain Comic
The Adventures of Dianalee in the Lost Temple of the Aztecs
The Adventures of Lance
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Aeronautics Quiz MK 2
The Aethra Chronicles: Volume One - Celystra's Bane
The Amazing Adventures of ANSI Dude
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge!
The American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation
The Amulet
The Asian Challenge
The Astronomy Quiz
The Awe-Chasm
The Backyard
The Banyon Wars
The Bard's Lore: The Warrior & The Dragon
The Bard's Quest: Dungeons of the Unknown
The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight
The Basket Manager
The Battle on the Black Sea
The Big Three
The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure
The Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained Adventure
The California Raisins
The Carl Lewis Challenge
The Castle of Dr. Malvado
The Catacomb Abyss
The Catacombs of Nemon
The Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island
The Child Murderer
The Civil War: Master Players Edition
The Computer Quiz
The Cool Croc Twins
The Crimson Crown
The Curse of RA
The Cycles: International Grand Prix Racing
The Dam Busters
The Dark Convergence II
The Dark Half
The Dark Heart of Uukrul
The Dark Queen of Krynn
The Darkest Night
The Day 4: Icarus
The Day 5: Assault Dragon
The Dream Team: 3 on 3 Challenge
The Dungeon
The Dungeons of Grimlor
The Dungeons of Grimlor II
The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
The Endless Night
The Enigma of Ashrella
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I
The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy
The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100
The Final Battle
The Final Crusade of Kroz
The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock
The Ford Simulator
The Four Crystals of Trazere
The Galaxians
The Game of Harmony
The Game of Life
The Game of Yahtzee
The Games: Summer Edition
The Games: Winter Challenge
The Games: Winter Edition
The Geekwad: Games of the Galaxy
The Global Dilemma: Guns or Butter
The Godfather
The Gold of the Aztecs
The Great Sage: Heaven's Equal
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trivia Challenge
The Honeymooners
The Horde
The Horror of Rylvania
The Hound of Shadow
The Hunt for Red October
The Hunt for Red October (1988)
The Incredible Machine
The Incredible Machine 2
The Jelly Bean Factory
The Keys to Maramon
The Kingdom of Syree
The Kristal
The Las Vegas EGA Casino (Version 2.0)
The Last Eichhof
The Last Ninja
The Last Warrior
The Legacy: Realm of Terror
The Legend Lives!
The Legend of Kyrandia
The Legend of the Seven Paladins 3D
The Light Corridor
The Lion King
The Lost Admiral
The Lost Vikings
The Lost Vikings 2
The Lurking Horror
The Magic Candle II: The Four and Forty
The Magic Candle III
The Multi-dimensional Thief
The Munsters
The Need for Speed
The Neverending Story II: The Arcade Game
The New Dash Dimension
The Nine Lives of Secret Agent Katt
The Oakflat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator
The Original Buck Mann's Poker for One
The Pack Rat
The Paddle
The Playroom
The Premiership
The Price is Right
The Prophecy
The Punisher
The Punisher: Eternity Disk
The Pure Wargame
The Queen of Hearts Maze Game
The Red Crystal: The Seven Secrets of Life
The Rescue of Lorri in Lorrinitron
The Return of Medusa
The Rocketeer
The Scottish Open: Virtual Golf
The Second Kids' World Almanac Adventure
The Secret Codes of C.Y.P.H.E.R.: Operation Wildlife
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Sentry
The Sesame Street Crayon: Letters For You
The Seven Spirits of Ra
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants
The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness
The Skateboard Kid
The Smurfs
The Soviet Block
The Sporting News Baseball
The Spy's Adventures in South America
The Summoning
The Third Courier
The Thor Trilogy
The Three Stooges
The Toy Shop
The Train: Escape to Normandy
The Treehouse
The Trials of Odysseus Kent
The TunnelMan
The Ultimate DOOM
The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki
The Untouchables
The Wild Science Arcade
The Witness
The World Name Game
Theme Hospital
Theme Park
These United States
Think Quick!
Thinking Games 2
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Pinball
Thud Ridge: American Aces in 'Nam
Thunder Zone
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe (2002)
Tie Break
TIE Invaders
Tiger Road
Tigers on the Prowl
Time Machine I
Time Race
Toad Road
Toho Academy Adventure
Toi Acid Game
Tomb Raider
Tommy's Air Raid
Tommy's Airshark
Tommy's Ant Farm
Tommy's Backgammon
Tommy's Balloon
Tommy's Calabresella
Tommy's Cat and Mouse
Tommy's Chariots
Tommy's Chess Set
Tommy's Chicken
Tommy's Connecting Point
Tommy's Coon Can
Tommy's Cribbage
Tommy's Crosswords
Tommy's Cryptoquips
Tommy's Double L
Tommy's Energy Fence
Tommy's Euchre
Tommy's Fan Tan
Tommy's Gin Rummy
Tommy's Global Thermonuclear War
Tommy's Gorilla Ball Pythons
Tommy's Hanoi
Tommy's Hidden-Word
Tommy's Jottomania
Tommy's Kiddie Cards
Tommy's Nite Lites!
Tommy's Nyet
Tommy's Oh Hell
Tommy's Old Maid
Tommy's Othello
Tommy's Paddles
Tommy's Patience
Tommy's Patience II
Tommy's Pinochle
Tommy's Plates
Tommy's Roulette
Tommy's Saucer
Tommy's Seawolf
Tommy's Show And Tell Maze Generator
Tommy's Six-Bid Solo
Tommy's Space Farmer
Tommy's Space Panels
Tommy's Spades
Tommy's Tanks
Tommy's Tenpins
Tommy's Terraces
Tommy's Think II
Tommy's Tic-Tac-Toe
Tommy's Towers
Tommy's Trifles
Tommy's Twenty-One
Tommy's Tyrants
Tommy's Wheel of Misfortune
Tommy's Whist
Tommy's Wizards
Tommy's Yahtzee
Tommy's Zombies
Top Gun: Danger Zone
Top Hat Willy
Torpedo Alley
Total Annihilation
Traders: The Intergalactic Trading Game
Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Transylvania III: Vanquish the Night
Treasure Island
Treasure MathStorm!
Treasure Trap
Treasures of the Savage Frontier
Tree Masacre
Trek Trivia
Trench Warfare
Triclops Invasion
Trivia 2000
Trivia Whiz
Trivial Trek
Tron Light Cycles
TRON: Light Cycles
Trump Castle II
Tubular Worlds
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan
Turbo Blackjack
Turbo Champions
Turn It
Turn It II
Tycoon: The Commodity Market Simulation
Type Attack
Tyrian 2000