Publishing DOS/Windows games
Fill out the form below to publish your game on DOS.Zone. After you submit, your game will be uploaded to temporary storage for review. If everything meets the guidelines, it will be published on DOS.Zone.
Please note, due to the site’s architecture, there may be a delay between submission and the game’s appearance on the platform. We appreciate your patience! If you'd like to expedite the process, feel free to reach out to us on Telegram or Discord.
jsdos bundle: To create a new bundle use studio v8 or v7. Detailed documentation and tutorial videos can be found here.
Slug: Lowercase, hyphens only, no spaces or special characters, under 60 characters.
Title: Concise, relevant, under 100 characters.
Short Description: Brief overview, max 150 characters.
Description: Detailed, engaging, and informative. No length limit, but aim for clarity.
Year: When the game was released
Language: The language of game
Genres: select at least one genre, all fields should be in same language.
Bundle creator: this who created bundle
Capture mouse: capture mouse for DOOM like games
Hide cursor: hide system cursor
Use DOSBox-X: use DOSBox-X emulation instead of DOSBox
A slug is the part of a URL that identifies a game page. For example, if you set slug to dune-2000 then it will be accessible from
Everything in a form acts as recommendation for us, we can change everything to improve quality of submission.
By uploading the game, you agree that you no longer own the transferred content and that it is not restricted by any licenses. You also have no right to delete it at your own discretion.